Streetsville Hockey League
One of the best-kept secrets in the City of Mississauga is the Streetsville Hockey League (SHL). The SHL provides low-cost, full access to hockey in Mississauga for all residents. The Streetsville Hockey League is a non – contact (no checking) hockey league for boys and girls ages 4 to 17 providing safe and fun hockey with the full development of hockey skills. The SHL provides access even for children who cannot skate through such programs as Learn to Skate and Stick and Puck to develop into playing full-ice hockey. Not only can you play hockey in the SHL but you can learn to become an on-ice official or a timekeeper and earn some money!
Unlike other hockey leagues, the SHL games and practices are all held at Vic Johnston Community Center in Streetsville at the same time each week. No guessing what time and where it will be. For children 4 to 7 the SHL provides an initiation program that helps introduce hockey. From ages 8 to 17 there is league play. The SHL also offers older children who have not played hockey a welcoming and inclusive place to learn how to play hockey and have fun.
The SHL is a coed league, offering hockey for girls and boys. We offer hockey skill programs, managed in a safe environment where volunteers, on-ice officials and VJCC staff work for the best of all situations.
New to Hockey
What skills do I or my children need to play in the SHL?
- The SHL provides access to hockey to all, from non skating beginners to seasoned players. Providing a variety or programs to help develop the player in a safe fun environment.
- The SHL via Vic Johnson Arena also provides specific learn to skate programs, stick and puck pickup, extra skill development programs, as well as full house league activities.
Why should my children play hockey?
- Hockey is a great way to get your children exercising; it improves coordination and gross motor skill as well as hand-eye coordination. Hockey teaches the value of teamwork, improves children’s resilience and perseverance.
- Learn a lifelong skill (skating).
- Make new friends.
- Have fun!
Is hockey safe?
- The SHL is a non-contact league. This means no bodychecking.
- Most importantly there is no fighting permitted.
- As with any sport, there are risks, but between the Coaches, Referees, and other players, injuries tend to be exceptions and no different than other sports such a Soccer or Baseball – just with padding to help protect the players.
How expensive is hockey?
- House League is very affordable. Normally under $20 an hour.
- The hockey season lasts about 6 months, but overall, the cost works out to about the cost of a coffee a day.
What equipment is required?
- New players (and more experienced ones) do not need the top of the line skates and equipment.
- For Players new to hockey ask us about First Shift.
- For new players as well as continuing players ask us about our equipment exchange.
- There are several sites available to purchase used equipment and there are several options for starter kits, including programs such as The First Shift.
- All SHL players must have full equipment before playing. The full list of equipment required can be found below.
- Underwear/regular socks
- Jock/Jill shorts
- Shin guards
- Hockey socks
- Pants
- Skates
- Shoulder pads
- Elbow pads
- Jersey
- Neck Protector
- Mouth Guard
- Helmet
- Gloves
How much of a time commitment will hockey require?
- At the SHL ice time is predictable and within reasonable hours.
- The season is normally 20 to 22 weeks long starting in September. At the SHL, we play one game a week and have one practice per week (50 minutes each).
- For most age groups, Saturday will be game day, with games starting no earlier than 9:00 a.m. Practices occur during the week, usually between the hours of 5:00 and 8:00 PM.
Is my child too old to start playing?
- Some children seem to start playing hockey as soon as they can stand on their own. Other parents and children feel that they have missed out on the opportunity to play hockey and are too old to start. We all develop differently and sometimes later than others.
- Even older players just starting will find an appropriate place in the SHL to develop to their full potential. Therefore, all players are welcome at the SHL, regardless of age or experience.
How do I register?
- Register at the main Streetsville Hockey website.

At the VJCC under the Derby’s banner the Streetsville Hockey League offers a variety of programs to address every need in the pursuit of playing hockey. In the Streetsville Hockey League balanced teams play each other in a safe and fun environment. Also offered is the SHL Initiation Program (IP) program developed to help get a good start to our youngest hockey lovers.
For those not skating there are learn to skate programs with a high instructor to skater ratio, ensuring children get the proper instruction and with safety protocols maintained. For parents and players new to hockey the SHL supports Hockey Canada’s First Shift program which provides full equipment for a modest cost and eight on-ice sessions as an introduction to hockey.
Following First Shift is Second Shift for those wishing to experience team play. For those just wanting to come out and play shinny try the Stick and Puck. During the summer we offer 3 on 3 hockey to provide an outlet for young skaters and players. As well the GTHL AA Streetsville Tigers call the VJCC home. Competitive hockey at its best.
The Vic Johnson Arena Derby program offers hockey experience to Mississauga residents at all levels.
New to the SHL
Why play in the SHL?
- The main goal of the SHL is for the players to have fun. Our games are highly competitive, but not at the expense of friendships and fair play. Players may move between teams or stay with the same group within the SHL giving the opportunity to form lifelong friendships which we feel is more important than having the emphasis on competitive development and winning.
- Many older, highly skilled players return to the SHL when they are in high school as the demands of rep hockey become too much when weighed against other priorities such as school, part time jobs, and an active social life. Having one game and one practice a week, and a schedule that is provided at the beginning of the year for the full year, allows players and parents to plan other activities without having to sacrifice other priorities for the sake of hockey.
Why in the SHL not tiered (i.e. Red, White, Blue, Green)
- The teams in the SHL are balanced with the best efforts made to have competitive teams. Players on teams vary in skills, however we believe this leads to more teamwork as the better players are encouraged to develop their playmaking and passing, while less experienced or skilled players continue to receive equitable ice time, leading to overall improved play.
- Not all children playing hockey will become the next Connor McDavid or Auston Matthews. It is not our goal to develop the next generation of NHL players, but to develop the next generation of community members that love and enjoy the game long after their SHL days have been completed.
How good is the level of hockey / development of players as the SHL?
- We feel we have one of the best development programs in Mississauga.
- Our goal is to develop hockey players that are good community citizens that will love the game of hockey throughout their lives – not develop the next level of NHL superstars. As such, we welcome all players, regardless of skill level. Our coaches are volunteers, and most are parents. Because there is a great diversity of our players, we also have a great diversity of coaching, with the emphasis put on the fundamentals of the game.
- In addition to our volunteer coaches, we provide 4 sessions with a professional hockey school (Front Line Hockey school) to focus on fundamentals and development.
- We also provide goalie clinics to those kids that are interested in playing the position.
What other key benefits are there?
- You are playing at the same arena for all games. No guessing which arena you have to go to and running around to different places in Mississauga. The comfort of the games being held in the same place.
- Practices and games are always at the same time. Since all games and practices are held at the Vic, we provide the schedule for the hockey season to parents and players at the beginning of the year. While there may be changes that occur due to unforeseen circumstances, these are rare events. Having a schedule well in advance allows parents and players to plan other activities around hockey, and/or provide ample notice to coaches if there will be games or practices that have to be missed due to other priorities.
- At the Vic, parents and children get to know each other and the staff. Parents and players know each other from different teams that they have played on in the past, and it helps promote a family-focused, friendly atmosphere.
How to Register for SHL
- Register at the main Streetsville Hockey website.
Existing SHL Family/Players
- Registration normally opens in the March before the season start.
- Cost approx. $500 – $750 per player per season.
- Season normally runs Sept to April.
- Registration is limited by age category so register early.
- Contact us for more information.
- Normally registration will open for existing players at the end of February to mid March. For new players April 15 for the start of the new season. The new season usually starts in September.
- Register at the main Streetsville Hockey website.

Other Derby Programs Offered at the Vic Johnson Community Center
(“The Vic”)
Learn to Skate
- Our Learn to Skate program is designed to teach players the fundamentals of skating. This program is offered
- Ages 4 – 12 years old.
- Once a week (Mondays) for 30 mins.
- Instructor to player Ratio 4:1.
- Normally three sessions, Oct- Dec, Jan – Mar and April – June, with registration following Registration normally the month before.
- Cost Approx $250 per participant per session.
Stick & Puck
- Our Stick and Puck program is designed to give players the confidence of skating with a hockey stick in their hands at a young age. Stick and Puck will also include stick handling, balance, and hand-eye coordination.
- Ages 4 – 12.
- Ten (10) sessions, once a week (Mondays) for 30 mins.
- Instructor to player Ratio 4:1.
- Normally three sessions, Oct- Dec, Jan – Mar and April – June, with registration following Registration normally the month before.
- Cost Approx $250 per participant per session.
First Shift
- Program offered through Hockey Canada for players totally new to hockey. Provides an introduction to hockey even for children who have not learned to skate.
- Ages 6 -10.
- Included
- a full set of equipment including skates and stick… everything a child needs to play.
- with 6 on ice sessions.
- equipment is professionally fitted by trained experts provided by the manufacturer.
- on ice sessions are run by seasoned skilled instructors.
- Runs normally in October and November, with registration in August.
- Cost Approx $200.
- Contact Us for more information.
Second Shift
- A follow-on program for First Shift participants.
- Included: 6 on ice sessions.
- Runs normally in February and March, with registration following First Shift Program.
- Cost Approx $150 per player ($75 of this will be applied in the following season as a discount to the participants that registrater in the SHL).
- Contact Us for more information.
Pre-Season Training Camp
- Our Pre-Season Training Camp is geared towards players looking to get on the ice before your Hockey Season Starts.
- Focuses on all skills related to hockey.
- Group stations with strong coach to player ratio.
- Ages 6 to 14.
- Six (6) one hour sessions.
- Runs normally in September, with registration August.
- Cost Approx $200 per player season.
- Contact Us for more information.
4 on 4 Youth Hockey
- 4 on 4 is a relaxed hockey league (games only) allowing the kids to get extra playing time, lots of puck time and keep in shape in a no pressure, “shinny” type environment. Skill levels vary from house league players to AAA Players.
- 1 Game a Week.
- 12 Week Season.
- Uniforms provided.
- Runs normally in April to July, with registration opens February before the season.
- Cost Approx $450 per season per player.
- Contact Us for more information.

Covid-19 / VJCC Updates and Policies
Your children’s’ and your safety is of paramount importance to us, not to mention our volunteers and staff. As the SHL and VJCC are one operating unit we work together to ensure the procedures and facility is working to the optimum to provide a unique level of safety in Mississauga.
- Only one parent per child at this time.
- Limited to 20 people on ice at one time (Gov’t restriction).
- Waivers must be signed prior to entering the facility.
- Dress at home where possible.
- Limited dressing room capacity.